Services Provided to Trucking Schools

  • Wellness Curriculum Development: Creation of specialized modules focusing on nutrition, exercise, stress management, and sleep hygiene tailored for the trucking lifestyle.

  • Workshops and Seminars: Interactive sessions led by health coaches that educate students on maintaining health and wellness on the road.

  • Faculty Training: Empowering instructors with the knowledge and tools to integrate health and wellness concepts into their existing curricula.

  • Ongoing Support and Resources: Providing students and faculty with access to ongoing health coaching support, digital resources, and tools to ensure the sustainability of health initiatives.

Benefits of Health Coaching for Trucking Schools

  • Enhanced Student Well-being: Integrating health coaching into the curriculum promotes holistic well-being among students, addressing physical, mental, and emotional health crucial for their long-haul trucking careers.

  • Preparation for the Realities of Trucking: Students gain practical knowledge and skills for managing the unique lifestyle challenges of trucking, such as maintaining a healthy diet and managing stress on the road.

  • Increased Attractiveness of Programs: Offering health and wellness coaching can differentiate a trucking school from its competitors, attracting more students who are looking for a comprehensive education that prepares them for all aspects of a trucking career.

  • Improved Student Performance and Retention: Healthier students are more likely to excel in their training and complete their programs, leading to higher graduation rates and better job placement success.

  • Long-term Career Success for Graduates: Graduates who enter the trucking industry with a strong foundation in health and wellness are better equipped to sustain long, successful careers, reducing turnover rates and enhancing their overall life quality.